Wikis, Emails, and Social Networking|W4|

                Wikis, Emails, and Social Networking. 

    The development of internet infrastructure has allowed everyone to connect and buy devices at an ideal price. With these technologies, the ability to share knowledge become faster and more efficient, one of the most known sources is called a Wiki, or Wikipedia being the oldest and most well-known Wiki site. Wiki sites allow for information to be contributed and edited amongst many editors; this nature is often seen as an un-credible source for citing any sources. It is recommended as an easy way to get a general idea on a topic and to advance from that point into a broader topic.

Getting the message to the receiver has always been the goal when you send mail, with the creation of Email services, it allowed for everyone to get a digital form of notifications, as it was the fastest way to start alerting someone to a problem, or a fun way to communicate to others. Everyone was eventually able to communicate this way, it became a better way for companies to market their business and promotions, and a more efficient way of accessing your contacts, or the more digital way of a la Pen Pal. Besides being more common in the digital world, it is a much faster way of communication that is being used and will most likely continue to be used as time goes on.

As the digital world further develops, more Web 2.0 tools are accessed and used, such as User-generated content, custom images, and videos. As before certain custom content sites like YouTube or Facebook, and Reddit, you would have to figure out how to do something in-person, the ease of watching a video of someone doing it can save a lot of stress and worry. You get a firsthand viewing of how you could do a technical job correctly, and in the art of teaching, it is the most novel way of learning a skill. This makes a path for others that the world of education was able to successfully breach (Alexander, 2006) Soon evolving with Zoom and several video types of media sources, allowing students to learn from the comfort of their own home, solving a problem of being late or showing no school attendance. With every new piece of Web 2.0 tools brought to society, there has been a way to benefit from it, and with just these several tools, there has been a wider advancement in education and learning.


    Alexander, B. (2006, January 1). Web 2.0: A new wave of innovation for teaching and learning? EDUCAUSE Review | EDUCAUSE.

    The University of Minnesota Libraries. (2016, March 22). 11.3 social media and Web 2.0 – Understanding media and culture.
